

OPREVENT2 is a Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) obesity and diabetes prevention program in Native American reservations. It is designed to: 1) improve healthy food availability 2) increase the purchasing and eating of healthier foods 3) increase physical activity. It evaluates the effectiveness of the following components: community and social media, community action, school, food store and worksite.

Intervention Materials

Download the OPREVENT2 Intervention Materials using the links below.
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Interventionist Manual of Procedures

Curriculum and Storybooks

Zipped files include: Curriculum Checklists, Curriculum, and Storybooks.

Phase 1 Materials

Zipped files include Banners, FAQ Flyers, Intro Booklets, Intro Booklet Collated and Intro Posters.

Phase 2 Materials

Zipped files include: Booklet Collated, Educational Displays, General Flyer, General Posters, Physical Activity Flyers, Physical Activity Posters, Shelf Labels, Store Flyers, Store Posters, Worksite Flyers and Worksite Posters.

Phase 3 Materials

Zipped files include: Booklets, Educational Displays, General Flyers, Physical Activity Flyers, Physical Activity Posters, Shelf Labels, Store Flyers, Store Posters, Worksite Flyers and Worksite Posters.

Phase 4 Materials

Zipped files include: Booklets, Educational Displays, General Flyers, General Posters, Physical Activity Flyers, Physical Activity Posters, Shelf Labels, Store Flyers, Store Posters, Worksite Flyers and Worksite Posters.

Phase 5 Materials

Zipped files include: Booklets, Educational Displays, General Flyers, General Posters, Physical Activity Flyers, Physical Activity Posters, Shelf Labels, Store Flyers, Store Posters, Worksite Flyers and Worksite Posters.

Phase 6 Materials

Zipped files include: Booklets, Educational Displays, General Flyers, General Posters, Physical Activity Flyers, Physical Activity Posters, Shelf Labels, Store Flyers,Store Posters, Worksite Flyers and Worksite Posters.


Leslie Redmond
Leslie RedmondInterventionist
Leslie Redmond, PhD, MS, RDN completed her doctorate in human nutrition at JHSPH in 2017. She assessed the impact of OPREVENT on dietary intake and physical activity, while also exploring the relationships between dietary changes and other intervention components for her dissertation. She assisted with post-intervention data collection in New Mexico and Michigan for OPREVENT in early 2014. She coordinated revisions for the physical activity component for OPREVENT2, conducted field data collection trainings, and assisted in updating intervention message content and materials for OPREVENT2. She is currently finalizing manuscripts from her dissertation work for publication and assisting with baseline data analysis for OPREVENT2.
Brittany AW Jock
Brittany AW JockStudent Co-Investigator and Community Action Component Lead
Brittany AW Jock, MHS, Ph.D.: Brittany is a member of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and Mohawks of Akwesasne – a community on the border of Upstate NY, Ontario, and Quebec. Brittany received her Master’s degree in Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (JHSPH) and has successfully defended her dissertation in the Social and Behavioral Interventions program at JHSPH. Her research interests lie in the environmental and social determinants of obesity and related chronic diseases in Indigenous tribes and communities. Her doctoral training and dissertation research utilizes qualitative, quantitative, and formative research methods to develop health programs.
Marla Pardilla
Marla PardillaField Coordinator, New Mexico
Harrison Platero
Harrison PlateroInterventionist, New Mexico
Jacqueline Swartz
Jacqueline SwartzField Coordinator, Wisconsin
Mary Dubek
Mary DubekInterventionist and Data Collector, Wisconsin

If you would like the data collection forms please email Joel Gittelsohn.

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