Development of a Life Course Obesity Prevention Initiative in the Bahamas

Primary Aims
Contract received to develop National Obesity Prevention Program across the lifespan in partnership with the Ministry of Social Services and Community Development (MOSSCD) and the Ministry of Health.
Objective 1: To conduct formative research to enable adaptation of existing materials and permit development of new obesity prevention materials.
Objective 2: To assess the state of the art of existing obesity prevention strategies, materials and approaches in The Bahamas, and modify these materials on the basis of the formative research and through engagement with other key stakeholders. We will pilot and revise these materials based on feedback from focus groups with community..
Objective 3: To develop new obesity prevention strategies and materials and a health professional training curriculum for their use. We will pilot and revise these materials based on feedback from focus groups of community members. In-depth interviews will be performed with various stakeholders to assess the best strategies for health professionals. Focus of the strategies and materials will target the low income population of The Bahamas.
Objective 4: To successfully train Bahamian health professionals in the use of the developed strategies and materials. Process evaluation will be conducted to assess success of the implementation of the trainings.
Objective 5: To carefully evaluate, document and disseminate the work completed in the form of a project website, written reports and publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Status: Awaiting approval for formative research to begin.