Apache Healthy Stores

Diabetes, obesity and heart disease are severe problems among the White Mountain and San Carlos Apache. Most of these problems are related to a changing lifestyle. Eating a diet that is low in fat and sugar and high in fiber is part of improving lifestyle.
The Apache Healthy Stores Program was created to address these problems by working to improve healthy food availability and to promote healthy eating.
Interventionist Manual of Procedures
Download the full Apache Healthy Stores Interventionist Manual of Procedures (pdf)
Primary Aims
Project Features
Project Reports
To keep community members and community organizations informed about the status of the AHS program, a preliminary report on the main trial was printed and distributed.
Results of the Main Trial and Future Directions (pdf)
This report includes an explanation of the various phases of the AHS intervention, examples of materials, preliminary results of the data analysis, and a short discussion of sustainability.
Professionals from various local organizations concerned with diet gathered for a two-day workshop and built consensus about the future of the AHS program and the potential for collaboration between local organizations with shared goals.
AHS Community Workshop Report (pdf)
This report provides a detailed account of the ideas and issues discussed in the October workshop. The report includes sections on sustainability, community partnerships, and refining the AHS program.
More than 15 people from the White Mountain and San Carlos Apache reservations and the Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico attended a two-day training led by Dr. Joel Gittelsohn, Dr. Jean Anliker, and Becky Ethelbah on June 12-13 in Whiteriver in preparation for the year long project which launched June 16 in Whiteriver.
Participants helped to hone the messages, nutrition information, and recipes that will be presented to shoppers via Apache Healthy Stores and discussed ways to overcome barriers to the project’s success. Those present at this training will play an integral role in communicating the goals of the project to the community.
The first phase of the Apache Healthy Stores program emphasizes eating healthy snacks and looking for the shelf labels in community stores that will direct shoppers to healthier food choices.
New Roads to Healthful Living (pdf)
Results of Formative Research for a Food Store-Based Intervention Program to Improve Diet and Health in the White Mountain and San Carlos Apache Reservations
Project Leaders
Communication Methods and Materials
Apache Healthy Stores Manual of Procedures
The Bashas’ supermarket chain is partnering with Apache Healthy Stores to promote healthy foods in their grocery stores on the White Mountain and San Carlos Reservations. Apache Healthy Stores thanks Bashas’ Sign Department for their assistance with printing the intervention materials.
- Owners encouraged to stock healthy food choices
- Shelf labels to identify healthy foods
- Cooking demonstrations and taste tests
- Recipe cards and flyers
- Posters
Mass Media:
- Radio announcements of key events and themes
- Newspaper ads
- Promotional video
Vastine, A.E.*, Gittelsohn, J., Ethelbah, B., Anliker, J., and Caballero, B. (2005) Formative research and stakeholder participation in intervention development. Am J Health Behavior, 29(1): 57-69.
Curran S*, Gittelsohn J, Anliker JA, Ethelbah B, Blake K, Sharma S and Caballero B (2005) “Process evaluation of a store-based environmental obesity intervention on two American Indian reservations,” Health Education Research, 20(6):719-29.
Gittelsohn J, Anliker JA, Sharma S, Vastine AE*, Caballero B and Ethelbah B (2006) “Psychosocial determinants of food purchasing and preparation in American Indian households,” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, May-Jun;38(3):163-8.
Sharma S, Cao X, Gittelsohn J, Ethelbah B, Anliker J, Caballero B. (2007) “Dietary intake and a food frequency instrument to evaluate a nutrition intervention for the Apache in Arizona,” Public Health Nutrition, Apr 4;:1-9 [Epub ahead of print].
Sharma S, Cao X, Gittelsohn J, Ethelbah B, Anliker J, Caballero B. (2008) “Nutritional composition of traditional Apache foods in Arizona.” International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, Feb;59(1):1-10.